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DocumentationGetting StartedSetting up a Application System

Making a Basic Application Panel


Have you ever heard of Google Forms?
Well, this is something similar but allows you to reply with a Yes or No option.
This application panel is suitable for creating Staff Applications, Appeal Applications or Whitelisting for a Game Server, etc.


Before proceeding, please ensure the following;

  • You have Manage Server permissions or higher.
  • You have invited and configured the Basic Settings from the beginning of this whole guide.
  • You have knowledge of managing and configuring a Discord server’s permissions and settings.

Let’s Get Started!

Step 1: Create a Application Panel

Go to the Tickety Dashboard  and proceed to Manage in the server that you are configuring.
On the sidebar, click on Application Panels , followed by Create New Panel in the main body when loaded.

Video Demonstration

Step 2: Add Basic Details

To save on any potential lost effort in adding all your details, it is often best to put the core basics in and save the panel. From here the save button will become a floating button making saving frequently more convenient.


Ensure that in this step, your Discord server does have 2 seperate available text channels that you’ll like for your Application Panel (for the users to apply) and Application Review Panel (for your staff) to be in.

If not, you can create them now in your server and refresh the dashboard page after in order to sync the new text channels available for selection.

Let’s fill out the following fields;

    1. Panel Name: A name which will allow you to identify it’s purpose, for example Staff Application
    1. Review Role: Roles that are selected within will allow members with the role to review, accept or decline an application.
    1. App Channel: Select the channel in which you would like the application notifications posted ready for review.

Example Application Panel Details

Step 3: Basic Customizability on Panel Embed Message

Once again, the sky is the limit based on what Application form you are creating.

Scroll down to the section named Panel Message where you will find the Panel Embed information. This information in the panel will be visible to your server members when the panel is published in a channel.
Let us begin by editing the title and description fields;

    1. Embed Title - This title is for the users to know what application they are applying for.
    1. Embed Description - Fill in useful information for the user to know before they apply, the job scope or anything details you want them to know about.

Example: Application Panel Embed

Step 4 : Adding Questions to the Application

Scroll to the bottom and you will find the Questions section. Let’s create some questions for our applicants to answer.
For Question 1, we will ask for the applicant’s name.

Example: Application Panel Embed This is to demonstrate text-based answers for a question.

Let’s make a multiple choice question for Question 2, something like their age range.
Click on Create a Question and select Question 2.

To create more than one option, type in the choice and hit the Enter key.
No modification of Minimum Choice Required and Maximum Choice Required is needed for this sample question.

Example: Application Panel Embed This is to demonstrate a single selected answer for a question.

How about knowing their top 4 answers to describe their personality for Question 3 ?
Click on Create a Question again and select Question 3.

You can control how many options an applicant can select:

  • Set Maximum Choices Required to allow selecting multiple options (must not exceed total options)
  • Set Minimum Choices Required to enforce selecting a minimum number of options (must not exceed maximum)

For example, to make applicants pick 2-4 options, set Minimum to 2 and Maximum to 4.

Example: Application Panel Embed This is to demonstrate multiple selected answers for a question.

Step 5: Publish the Application Panel in Discord

Let’s get the Application Panel published in the Discord server!
Scroll up to the top of the page until you find the Select a channel... dropdown menu next to the Publish and Create button. Select a text channel for Application Panel

Once selected, click on the Publish button to have the application panel created.
This action will create and send the newly created panel into your selected Discord text channel. Click to Publish the Application Panel

Step 6: Test the Panel

Head back into to your Discord Server where the panel has just been posted and click on the Start Application button.
You will see a confirmation message in the channel (which only you can see) that a new application has been started in DM’s (direct messages) and a 🔗 Click Here button which is linked that takes you directly to the correct DM. Newly created Application Panel on Discord

In the DM, there will be 2 interactive buttons for the user- a green Start button and a red Cancel button. Choose to Start or Cancel the Application Form

Upon clicking the Start button, the user will receive a new message asking you the first question as we set.
The user needs to type in their text-based answers (up to 800 characters allowed), or choose from the provided drop-down menu for multiple choice questions. Question 1 Demo
Question 2 Demo
Question 3 Demo

Upon the user completing the final question, the application is automatically submitted and sent for staff to review and Accept or Deny in the channel set in Step 2. Application Review Sample

🎉 Congratulations! You have successfully set up and tested a Basic Application Panel with Tickety!